Overview of Integrated Infrastructure Plan
SaskBuilds is responsible for providing a central focus within the provincial government to coordinate infrastructure planning and delivery. This will include the development of an integrated infrastructure plan, which will be updated annually to inform the budget development process. Through this process, SaskBuilds will ensure that ministries work toward strategically aligning infrastructure investments to the province’s economic growth, population growth and quality of life priorities.
SaskBuilds will provide advice and support to various ministries and agencies that require guidance to meet their respective goals in this area.
Analysis on data and information obtained through the development of an integrated infrastructure plan will lead to potential alternative financing opportunities for major infrastructure projects. For more information on these opportunities, see: Alternative Financing.Integrated Capital Planning Manual and Templates
SaskBuilds has developed a new Integrated Capital Planning Manual to support ministries and agencies meet the objectives and requirements for the Government of Saskatchewan’s annual call for capital plans: Integrated Capital Planning Manual2021-22 Capital Asset Plan Template
2021-22 Project Business Case Template
2021-22 Program Business Case Template